Sunday, September 14, 2008

What's that smell?

What's that smell you say?

My family and I have been dealing with a one "PePe Le Pew" for over a week now. He has moved into my yard, sprayed in my house by my garage and sprayed my dog on 3 separate occasions. We took matters into our own hands and rented a trap. This whole situation has put me so behind in the matters of things! My house has been turned upside down!

After three nights and 2 cans of sardines, we finally trapped PePe and the little critter has since been relocated. He got the last laugh as you may guess and sprayed last night when he got stuck in the cage so we had a very nice aroma sifting through out our house as we tried to sleep. He also sprayed a couple times before he was relocated this morning. Now my Jeep has a new car scent that I am sure any car scent company would love to to put a patent on. They are lining up at my door now and I will be a millionaire tomorrow....wishful thinking.

1 comment:

Gumdrop*Shop said...

Amy- I feel your pain- I think I have your friends Cousin- lol. every morning instead of smelling my fresh coffee I wake up to an awful aroma!!! Glad to hear you got yours- mine lives at a neighbors somewhere just comes here to say hi.