Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Can you guess....

how old I am today? Try counting the candles on this cake! I thought it looked like there were more candles on there than my "years" on this planet but after slowing counting 2x and then another because I obsess about counting certain things, it is correct!

It has been a great day so far as my youngest decided to sleep in until 7:50 am instead of her usual 6am, so I will take that! That is considered sleeping in in my book!

I have got my big cup of coffee and a big day planned. I will have to get back to you on the results of that but if I know my Husband, I am sure it will be great.

It is a bit tough having a birthday this time of year. Not the most desirable time of year to be born LOL. Though it is pretty cool if you are sharing a birthday with Jesus I must say. Christmas is done, New Year's is over and the last thing people have on their mind is another celebration or party to go to. They are still recovering from the shock of overeating and might still be dealing with a hangover. Most people are staring at their decorations planning to take them down, which I hate doing by the way, compiling their resolution lists or just plain blank in the brain from the over stimulation of the holidays in general. It sucks. Though I thought the older you got the easier it would be. After all, I am &% years old so birthdays are no big deal after 21 right? Nope. I think no matter who old you are it is a wonderful thing to be "special" for just that one day! I am not one to turn down the pampering and the daunting over for 1 day per year, and that's 2 if you count Mother's Day.

One other reason to not be born close to the Holidays (like you can help it) is the great idea of the combination gift. "Merry Christmas & Happy Birthday" gotta love that one. It is almost like "Hey I forgot your birthday so here's hoping you forgive me by accepting this lovely combo gift" or "I will be comatose after New Year's so I might as well just give you your birthday gift now". That happened a lot when I was younger, though not so much now as most of us draw names for Christmas gifts in my family leaving no change for the Happy Christmas gift. It is not always such a bad deal as you can get some larger gifts that you may have not received had your birthday been in March. I remember the oak waterbed I got back in 1986 and the based out stereo system that I got to go with my "vintage" VW bug complete with bright turquoise paint job, that was birthday #16.
I am giving myself today to do eat or drink whatever I like without guilt as tomorrow begins the "road to a better body". Yep, like millions of other Americans I too will be jumping on the weight loss and get in-to-shape bandwagon. Though I might extend my guilt free eating through the weekend and start on Monday.


mylittlefairytales said...

well happy birthday amy!! i know what you mean about the lame timing of a birthday right after the holidays. my husband's is Dec. 28th and I am sooo guilty of the overwhelming thought of a celebration at that point. Now to top it off, we have my baby's first birthday many years ahead of feigning merriment for yet another celebration after all the holiday hub hub. it is always a great day though to have a birthday nomatter what. hope yours was great! -cammie

Isabel Inspired Designs said...

Hope you are having an awesome day! LOVE the VW too! My aunt had an orange one for years, she was younger and closer to my age, she and her husband were kinda like the hippies. :) Happy Birthday! Lesa

Amy said...

Thanks Ladies! It is always great to have a birthday no matter what - you are correct there!

Traci said...

Hope your birthday was great.. That cake looks so yummy.. Eat a peice for me and sydney.... ~Traci

Amy said...

Cammie - Happy Birthday to your "baby" - 1 whole year!