Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Animal Crackers

My newest set is "Animal Crackers". I just love this spring import fabric and the colors just pop!

I thought this set would never get listed and I was doomed. My daughter got a bloody nose right before I attempted to take pictures and I went into panic mode! I immediatly threw it in the wash with spray n wash and - voila - the blood came out.

Then today when I wanted to take pictures, she was just not having it. Wanted nothing to do with me or the camera. Probably the cold she is fighting, what a bad mother, making her daughter model when she is ill, so call the police.

I even threw in a cute little matching purse to get her excited and bribed her with candy.....nothing. So I am working with the few little pictures I did get and maybe this will turn into something good.

You can check out my auction by clicking here

1 comment:

Isabel Inspired Designs said...

LOVIN the animal crackers!! Such a sweet little set:)